
歡迎光臨 Welcome

HELLO! I'M VALERIE. There is no such thing as purple chestnut.  Purple is in my name and I have been trying to grow chestnut trees since 2015.  There is so much to write about the owning a property in the 100-year flood plain & growing various type of food that  hopefully I will have some time and energy to write it someday. For now, I will stick with what I encounter everyday. Food:   Taiwanese food + baking mostly.  I wish I started jotting down many of the recipes earlier.  I am known to cook or bake large quantity of food at times.  In my defense, it's all about efficiency and practicality.  Lots of Chinese food are high effort, such as dumplings.  If you want to make a dozen of dumplings which no body does, you might as well make 6 dozens and freeze the ones you can't consume.  Another idea is to have a working party and everyone get to take home some food. East + West:   I have spent about 1/3 of my life in Asia (Taiwan) and 2/3 of my life in North America (Canada
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